Personalisation and finishing–made to measure
Personalisation : use variable text (name, address, other specific information relating to clients,…) to personalise your communications making them more relevant to the recipient.
Finishing : produce complex documents with labels, remoistenable glue and perforation to create reply devices and stamps, glueing pages to create double thickness cards, selfmailers, personalise the labels, etc…
- Up to sixteen 4¼ inch Scitex ink-jet heads for personalisation
- 6 label applicators and the option to personalise the labels
- 2 die-cutters for producing windows, perforations, etc.
- Up to 4 glue/peelable glue stations
- 2 units for high-gloss acrylic varnish
- Up to 7 plow folding stations
- 4 ribbons, which may be glued
- Pre-folder